Che diavolo ci faccio qui ?

martedì, aprile 11, 2006

Io no

Ma chi e' che a votato per Berlusconi ? Sono ormai anni che tutti si lamentano di lui, ha fatto ogni tipo di leggi per pararsi il culo e ogni tipo di leggi per favorire i suoi amici (dalla cirielli alla cirami passando dalla gasparri arrivando alla urbani etc etc).
Il fatto che sia rimasto ancora tra i piu' votati mi stupisce e mi deprime, pensavo ci fossero piu' coglioni che teste di cazzo e invece mi sono sbagliato, a quanto pare l'italia e' ancora equamente divisa tra i due.
Se anche voi non lo avete fatto, prendete questa immagine e diffondetela, usatela come sfondo del pc, fate voi.
Se invece lo avete fatto abbiate il coraggio delle vostre azioni e ditelo in giro, non vi nascondete.

Chi non difende le proprie idee o ha delle idee che non valgono molto o lui stesso vale poco.


  • Hello, Jishu1972 san!

    It's been a long time!

    These days I have been visiting the blogs of the persons that I have come to know in that BBS of Fumie's fans. There are some interesting blogs that I like.
    Your, too, but I do not understand so much as the automatic translating software very often gives me some strange translations.

    Any way, I can easily understand what you might have written here only from this photo. How's Italy changing now?

    Well, it would be fun to have you at that BBS if you can find some time.

    I just put there a wonderful performance Fumie in Grand Prix Final. Really a winning perforance !

    Thank you for having introduced us the nice site.

    Have a nice day and ciao!


    By Anonymous Anonimo, at 16:26  

  • Hi DD,
    Nice to see you here.
    Sometime i give a look at the bbs but as you know my japanese is not enough for actively participating in it :-)

    I understand what you mean about automatic translation, i feel the same as you when reading japanese website translated, but is already a big step for mutual understanding between people to already did this little translation.

    About changing in italy.... that's a difficult question.
    We have a saying : "everything will change for remain the same".
    About Mr. B. he still refuse to concede the victory to Mr. Prodi. In the past 5 years he did a lots laws for preserve his interests and save him from going to jail. I hope that politicians, one days, will take care of the interest of their country and not of theirs wallets :-)

    Ja mata.

    By Blogger jishu1972, at 21:39  

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